Sunday, January 11, 2009

Obama Appoints Spider-Man

So far, I have been very happy with Obama's picks for his cabinet:

Yes, this happened.

Also, the fine people at Cracked pointed out this gem:

Any commercial that starts with "HEY! YOU LOOK LIKE A REAL JERK!" is fine by me.

Lastly, I am seeing Animal Collective in two weeks. Their new album scored a 9.6 out of 10 over at Pitchforkmedia. I have yet to hear it, but you can check it out when it gets released on January 20.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Cult of Snuggie

Excuse me miss, but are you trying to tell me that this robe is a blanket?

Also, why does everyone look like they are from the Stonecutters?

Ladies and gentlemen, I have seen the end and it is comfy and made of fleece. It also comes with a reading light.